Seattle Newborn Photography on film – Baby Augustus

April 11, 2018

This perfect little baby boy is named Augustus. I am so in love with his hair ! He has natural blonde highlights throughout his chestnut brown hair and it is the cutest thing ever. We did his newborn photos in a natural light photo studio in Seattle (the same place I captured his mamma for her maternity photos !) So cool to see him on the inside and outside in the same place only weeks apart from each other. Also I just want to let anyone reading this know that I have decided to never photoshop or change a newborn in any photos (unless they have some giant scratch on their face of course) but if you are looking for the kind of photographer that will airbrush your baby to “perfection” that is not this one. They are much more perfect just the way they are. I love every color, every little bump and wrinkle and I think it is more important to remember them exactly the way they are than to try and mold them into what we think they should be. All shot on Fuji 400h film and processed by Photovision Prints. Seattle Newborn Photographer on FilmSeattle Newborn Photographer on FilmSeattle Newborn Photographer on FilmSeattle Newborn Photographer on FilmSeattle Newborn Photographer on Filmbaby-augustus-107Untitledbaby-augustus-104baby-augustus-101baby-augustus-110baby-augustus-108baby-augustus-201seattle-newborn-photographer-film-002baby-augustus-203baby-augustus-109seattle-newborn-photographer-film-006baby-augustus-105baby-augustus-200seattle-newborn-photographer-film-004baby-augustus-100baby-augustus-103

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