For Natalies Seattle family photos, we went to Magnuson Park. This is a favorite spot lately ! It was sort of a smokey haze October day. The light was incredible ! We shot one hour before sunset as I usually do. I helped Natalie plan out her families wardrobe for this shoot and they looked absolutely incredible ! Love her J.Crew Jacket ! and her daughter wore Jamie Kay. Perfect Seattle family photos wardrobe if you ask me !

Babies at this age (around 18 months ) can be so shy ! But I always take my time and put the camera down and interact with them as much as I can during family photos. They aren’t used to these giant cameras in their face (they are used to iPhones haha). So it’s important to ease into it slowly so that you don’t stress them out. You want them to have a positive experience with family photos or else good luck getting them to do it again ! I will go as far as singing Baby Shark and throwing leaves on my head to get a baby happy and smiling. Sometimes it works, sometimes they just look at me like Im crazy haha. To see more family photos sessions click here I shot the entire session on Portra 400 and it was developed by Photovision. To find out about our next fall mini sessions in the Seattle are sign up for our newsletter here.

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