Mini Studio Session with Baby Hudson – 8 months old

October 5, 2018

Mini studio sessions are a great way to capture a few photos of your growing baby and capture those milestones (sitting up, chubby baby rolls, and smiles) 8 months is a great age for this ! They usually love the camera at this age. His mamma and his brother Weston joined him in a few photos as well 🙂 These are done in my studio and take about 30 minutes. All film is Fuji 400h. Seattle Studio Baby Photographer - FilmSeattle-baby-photographer-film-02Seattle-baby-photographer-film-60Seattle-baby-photographer-film-62Seattle-baby-photographer-film-07Seattle-baby-photographer-film-63Seattle-baby-photographer-film-11Seattle-baby-photographer-film-08Seattle-baby-photographer-film-05Seattle-baby-photographer-film-10Seattle-baby-photographer-film-01Seattle-baby-photographer-film-61Seattle-baby-photographer-film-65Seattle-baby-photographer-film-09Seattle-baby-photographer-film-64Seattle-baby-photographer-film-03Seattle-baby-photographer-film-06

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