Brothers – Seattle Newborn and Toddler Photos on film

March 19, 2018

Meet Bryce and his newborn baby brother Rhys ! This was a mini session from my home studio, the entire shoot was less than 25 minutes, yes all this cuteness happened in 25 minutes. Toddlers are busy and they don’t waste time (or sit still) and I don’t like making toddlers unhappy so I love it when I can capture them just being themselves. Bryce loves jumping ! So let him jump 🙂 All of these were taken with film and strobes. To schedule a mini shoot at my home studio just email seattle film newborn and baby photographerseattle-baby-photographer-film-011seattle-baby-photographer-film-052seattle-baby-photographer-film-002seattle-baby-photographer-film-005seattle-baby-photographer-film-013seattle-baby-photographer-film-012seattle-baby-photographer-film-003seattle-baby-photographer-film-053seattle-baby-photographer-film-051seattle-baby-photographer-film-010seattle-baby-photographer-film-050seattle-baby-photographer-film-001seattle-baby-photographer-film-054

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